Brody Update 02/08/19

Day 1 of Recovery

Today Claire finally decided she wanted to nap after she ate lunch- This is the ultimate sign of peace for her. The first two days we couldn’t sleep in anticipation to see how the Lord was going to move! And now here I am writing this within 72 hours of Brody’s birth.

He has undergone major heart surgery, and was taken off the ventilator this morning!! He is officially breathing on his own. The most beautiful thing about this is that we finally got to hear him cry!! When he tried to cry while on the ventilator, he wasn’t able to make any sounds because of the tube down his throat. Although hearing a child crying is heart-breaking, for now we are rejoicing as it means more progress for our son.

For myself, Claire, and many of our friends and family, it’s easy to see the Power and Glory of Christ because we are in the midst of experiencing it! We are observing a supernatural healing and strength through Brody, right before our very eyes.

With that I want to challenge you

God moves in many different ways. Big and small, loud and quiet, the list goes on. We have been intentionally focusing on praising God for the little blessings in life this past year. Let me tell you, it will open up the floodgates!! It will give you eyes to see so many miraculous, Christ Glorifying things.

If you aren’t feeling like you are seeing God move in or around your life, I would first say spend more time in scripture and prayer. That is the way, the truth, and the life. Then start praising God for the little things!! A delicious meal, the perfect parking spot, a nice conversation, or even the things you already have and don’t appreciate. I know it sounds childish and unnecessary, but I’m convinced that it is the easiest way to please the heart of God. I can assure you it will change your perspective and you will start to see more of the supernatural ways God is moving.


Plain and simple, we are in awe at the moment. We only have few words to say, because the words simply don’t do it justice. So once again, we just want to thank everyone who has been fighting for Brody. Your prayers are making all the difference.

Hopefully, as Claire continues to recover she will be writing the next post about her first few days of being a mother.


  1. Barb

    Beautifully said. Yes, so true. We had our own small miracle this week. Will tell you eventually. We praise the Lord for His kindness and faithfulness. I so enjoy seeing these pictures of your sweet miracle. Much love. ♥️♥️♥️


  2. Penny Hansen

    This is amazing And such a blessing! Amen to the little things in life and for God literally creating a miracle in healing 🙏🙏🙏💙💙💙 continued prayers especially for mommy Claire for some solid rest 🥰

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  3. Coco

    What a awesome God we serve’!! Mike and I are praising Him for His beautiful miracle in all of this!
    Thank you so much so keeping us updated and giving Him all the glory.
    I can’t wait to see both Brody and mommy!
    I love you all “to eternity and beyond”!! 💕💕
    G Coco 😘

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